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Gyeon Q2M Iron Wheel Cleaner - 4000 ml

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Gyeon Q2M Iron Wheel Cleaner - 4000 ml

Item#: GYE-GY-0940 GY-0940
Price: $99.99
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The perfect wheel cleaner. Q2M Iron WheelCleaner is a dedicated and highly effective wheel cleaner for all wheel finishes. Combining specific detergents, iron remover, and a gel consistency, this iron removing wheel cleaner makes quick and effective work of the wheel cleaning duties.

Make the most out of your wheel wash routine. The Q²M Iron WheelCleaner has a gel consistency, clings to the surface extremely well and both loosens and dissolves dirt particles. The “IRON” in its name stands for a great ability to remove ferrous deposits without losing the typical wheel cleaner character of the product.

Q2M Iron WheelCleaner is a powerful iron removing wheel cleaner, yet safe on all types of rims and finishes whether they are coated or not. Its formula makes it an ideal solution to clean and maintain wheels without any risk of damaging their finish.

Use Q²M Iron WheelCleaner always on a cool wheel and avoid direct sunlight. Spray liberally on the wheel & brake caliper - let it dwell for 1 to 2 minutes before rinsing heavily. TIP: For even more cleaning power, Q²M Iron WheelCleaner can be agitated with your favorite wheel brush or mitt.

CONSUMPTION: 100ml/car

Additional Information

Manufacturer Item# GY-0940
Availability Online + In Store
Brand Gyeon